Biloxi Student Turns to South

Posted on October 14, 2020
Thomas Becnel

Kaylee Williams, a freshman from Biloxi, said the coronavirus kept her from 虽然她正在访问韩国,但她希望能学会如何说韩语 Spanish.  data-lightbox='featured'
来自比洛克西的大一新生凯莉·威廉姆斯(Kaylee Williams)说,新型冠状病毒让她无法 虽然她正在访问韩国,但她希望能学会如何说韩语 Spanish.

#FreshmanFocus是一个关注南大新生的系列节目 Alabama. 

十大彩票网投平台的第一周,凯莉·威廉姆斯和她的室友尝试了一种有趣的方式 在宿舍向邻居介绍自己的好方法.

她笑着说:“我们写纸条,塞到别人的门缝里。. “We wanted to reach out and make new friends. We saw it on TikTok.”

Williams, 18, is an international studies student from Biloxi. 她想学说西班牙语和韩语. She hoped 想在上大学前访问韩国,但由于冠状病毒,他没能如愿 pandemic. She also wants to become a physician or a dentist.

威廉说:“当我还是个小女孩的时候,我就想成为一名医生. “I always admired my pediatrician, and she inspired me. I shadowed her when I was in high school. I shadowed my dentist, too.”

她的室友是她比洛克西高中最好的朋友. She also wants to become a doctor. They plan to study together in chemistry classes.

十大彩票网投平台,威廉姆斯对黑人学生会很感兴趣. She would like to join a sorority. 在业余时间,她喜欢买衣服和听音乐.

“I like hip hop and R&B,我也喜欢西班牙和韩国音乐。. “Korean hip-hop sounds very similar, just in Korean.”

Eight questions for Kaylee Williams:


“我奶奶告诉我不要担心小事情,只要确保我做好就行了 in class. 我妈妈说要确保我的安全,尽我所能享受大学生活.”

How are your classes?

“我有大一经验、三角学、西班牙语I和全球问题 is an international studies class. 这是十大彩票网投平台环境和政治的事情 around the world. 这让我想起了高中的保护生物学课. I want to be more involved in environmental issues. If I had more time, I would be.”

What’s your schedule like?

“每个人都告诉我不要把课安排得太早,或者太晚 因为那样你可能会想念他们,但我晚上8点有全球事务.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. That’s early. I’m not a morning person. I’m more of an afternoon person.”

Do you have a favorite spot on campus?

“I do, actually. 我喜欢去学生中心的一楼坐着. It’s 很开放,但很安静,我可以完成工作.”

What else have you discovered at South?

“周三晚上,我们去学生娱乐中心玩躲避球. I can’t throw, so I just dodge. The first night it was glow-in-the-dark dodgeball. 第二次是2000年的音乐,有蕾安娜、凯蒂·佩里和李尔·韦恩等人.”

Do you work on campus?

“我在马克思图书馆有一份工作,要走步道去那里.  I thought 我会一直站着,但这更像是办公室工作. I’m the one who makes sure students check in with their Jag numbers. They’re always asking me if they need 他们的牌,我同意,他们应该记住他们的捷豹牌号码.”

Have you been to Jaguar football game?

“Yes, I went to my first game. I missed the fireworks in the beginning, but I got to see them after they scored a touchdown. That was something – we didn’t have that in high school. 我在学生区,所以很有活力,很高兴 be around people.”

Have you gotten homesick? Do you go home to Biloxi on the weekends?

“I work most weekends, so I don't go home often. It’s good and bad. I get to see my family, but then I want to come back to campus.”

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